Non Medical Expert Witnesses
New England Legal Medical Consultants provides the most highly credentialed non-medical expert witnesses. Specializations include:
- Aesthetics
- Bicycle accident
- Biomechanical engineering
- Blindness
- Building Inspector Code
- Certified safety Program
- Check cashing fraud
- College experts
- Cytogenics
- Day care
- Dietitian
- Economics
- Education
- Electric shock
- Elevator safety
- Engineers
- Entomologist
- Environmental Service
- ER technician
- Fire Science and Investigation
- Forensic locksmith
- Funeral Home expert
- Handwriting expert
- Healthcare systems president
- Healthcare policies
- Highway safety
- Holter monitor Tech
- Hospital Administration
- Hotel management
- Human factors
- Human Resources
- Hyperbaric medicine
- Industrial Hygiene
- Industrial accidents
- Injury Risk assessments
- Insurance Underwriter
- IT experts
- Lab Technician
- Laboratory quantitative analysis
- Law enforcement
- Legal malpractice experts
- Life care planner
- Marine and Boat safety
- Massage therapist
- Medical Coding
- Medical Device FDA
- Medical Ethics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mental Health Administration
- Microbiologist
- Neurophysiologic Monitoring
- Non Profit Fundraising
- Occupational Therapy
- Oil Tank installer
- Ophthalmology Technician
- OSHA safety/ OSHA training
- Packing professional
- Paramedic/EMT
- Pathology and Lab technician
- Pharmaceutical /Drug Safety
- Phlebotomy
- Physical therapy
- Physicist
- Plastics
- Pools/Pool safety
- Prosthetics
- Private Investigator
- Product liability
- Radiology Tech
- Railroad
- Rehab Director
- Respiratory Therapist
- Risk Management
- RV safety
- Security
- Social Worker
- Speech Pathologist
- Surgical Canter Administrator
- Toxic Exposure
- Traffic Reconstruction
- Vocational experts
- Warning Labels
- Water safety
- Wood science and technology