We do complete and comprehensive background searches on all physicians who review through NEMLC (no embarrassing discovery problems). Here’s how it works:

All NEMLC experts are board certified, spend the majority of their time in active practice, and for the most part are university affiliated.

Speak with one of our qualified registered nurse consultants who have extensive experience in all areas of medicine.

NEMLC staff will rule out any conflicts of interest with experts before they become involved in any matter.

You review each expert’s CV before you decide which expert is right for your case.

Physicians who review cases through NEMLC are not under any type of contract and are encouraged to work closely with each attorney.

Experts are always available for case analysis, reports (when requested) and consultation. Once the expert supports your case he/she is available for deposition and court testimony.

NEMLC’s staff works fast and efficiently with the average expert placement turn around time approximately 2 to 4 days.